UDO Schedule

Project Phases


OCT 7, 2021 – MAR 18, 2022

The public draft was developed by the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County staff, with feedback from its Ordinance Advisory Committee and consultant support from Camiros, Ltd. Comments on the first draft are no longer being accepted.


MAR 2022 – MAY 2022

The UDO was revised with consideration given to community feedback, and a second draft was released in June 2022, with mark-up displaying changes.


JUN 2022

The second draft also referred to as the public hearing draft of the UDO will be subject to community comment at the public hearing before City Council and the Planning Commission. This is the second opportunity for the community to review the UDO.

In advance of the Planning Committee of the Planning Commissions, discussion, and review for the recommendation of the UDO to the City Council, a summary of changes to the Public Hearing draft was released on July 14, 2022.


AUG 2022

The adoption draft was developed based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. This draft is the version that was considered and voted on by City Council.

Charlotte City Council voted to adopt the UDO on August 22, 2022. Final version of the UDO will be released soon.